Thursday 12 June 2014

Anatomicals Facial Spritz Spray | Perfect summer cooling spray

So seeing as the hot weather has decided to make an appearance in the UK, I thought I'd share a current massive favourite of mine that comes in handy for when it's hot!

Spray misty for me facial spritz spray by Anatomicals has become one of my current holy grail products. It has helped me out a lot since the arrival of the warmer weather. I originally got this in a glossybox and only just recently discovered it and consequently become addicted to it!

This spray contains ingrediants such as peppermint, rose, lavender & witch hazel. It smells mostly of lavender when you spray it which is super refreshing. I love this spray as it's so cooling for the skin and has really helped out my dry skin too. It leaves you feeling cool, refreshed and your skin hydrated. 
This spray is a little bit hard to get hold of as not many places stock anatomicals products, but ASOS has stocked this before so it would be worth checking them out (they currently don't stock it, but they have done before).

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