Saturday 27 April 2013


Hello :)

I decided to order a few things from Lush and I received them this week! So I thought I would share what smelly goodness I received! I'm not usually one for buying stuff from Lush, as every time I go into the store it's always  so busy and I can never see what I want. So I went onto the website and finally ordered what I wanted (not necessarily what I needed mind you!!).

Bubblegum Lip Scrub - £5.25
I loved the sound of the lip scrub, as I'd got nothing like it in my lip collection. However I didn't realise that it was just a load of castor sugar with some colouring and flavoring  In which case I wouldn't have spent nearly £6 on some sugar! But the give it justice, it does the job and you can lick the sugar after - win!

Cupcake Fresh Face Mask - £5.95
I have been wanting to try these face masks for ages, and I love anything chocolate, so the cupcake one was perfect for me to get! These only last a month and you have to keep them in the fridge, but I like the fact they come in a little tub and you don't have to use it all up in one go. Plus it's freshly made, so it makes it feel a bit more special.

Think Pink Bath Bomb - £2.50
I love baths, so it was only natural for me to get some bath bombs. I liked the look of this one, it looked really girly and at £2.50 it is very cheap. I had smelled this one in store prior to buying it online so I liked the smell as well. It's very sweet and totally what you would expect from a bath bomb like this. I can't wait to use it after a long day at work!

You've Been Mangoed, Luxury Bath Melt - £3.10
I loved the sound of the bath melts as again, it's something I'd never tried before. I love mango and I think this will be really relaxing. It is quite pricey for a small block, but if it's any good, I'm sure it will be worth the money.

Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon - £2.95
I was so excited when I saw you could get a bath bomb that turns into bubbles! So this was a definite purchase! And it seems to be a fair price as well which is always good. I like the idea of this, and I think it will smell gorgeous. So this is something that I'm probably most eager to try out of everything I got.

Titsy Tosty Bath Bomb - £3.20
I got this because I loved the look of it! As they say, how something looks is sometimes more important than anything else! I thought it looked so cute being a heart shape with the dried petals in it. I love the smell, it's so fresh and I think it will look really pretty when used as all the petals will float on the bath water. Super excited about this!

Creamy Candy Bubble Bar - £2.50
Again I got this as I liked the idea of bubbles from a solid object. This was really cheap, and it smells amazing, so sweet! It feels like playdough though which is weird, but I like the look of it, and I think it will be good because you don't have to use it all in one go. You can rip bits off!

Fluffy Egg - £2.95
How cute does this look!! This is very similar to the Think Pink bath bomb, especially in smell.
I don't think Lush are doing these at the moment, so this must of been just an easter thing, but I think it looks really cute - which was the main reason why I got it! But this is a massive bath bomb and I think it will last a while!

Romance In A Stone - £2.95
This is basically the same as the Titsy Tosty bath bomb, but obviously being a different shape. This is something I'll enjoy using and I'm glad that I got!

That's everything I got. Go to to see these goodies! 

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