Tuesday 24 July 2012

I now have a YouTube channel!!

Good morning!

I just wanted to share with you some exciting news...I now have a YouTube channel! My boyfriends been bugging at me for ages to do videos as I usually spend 90% of my day watching videos! And I have now finally gone ahead and done it, woo!

Currently I have only uploaded one video, a July favourites. But I am planning to do many more and I hope some of you reading this will subcribe to my channel and also this blog!
Like my blog, my channel is going to be beauty based. But where I do more reviews on here, I will be doing more tutorials than anything else on my YouTube.

Anyways heres the link to it - http://www.youtube.com/user/GlitterLipsMakeup?feature=mhee

speak soon blog monkeys x

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