Monday 10 September 2012

Product Review - Maxfactor Colour Adapt Foundation


I'm starting to get into the flow of Blogging now, so expect to see more blog post's up soon! I have a few more products that I'm going to be reviewing soon, so keep an eye out, but for now I have a foundation review for you!

I went shopping the other day for a new foundation and came across this - Maxfactor Colour Adapt Foundation. As far as I know, it's new, or at least only came out not long ago. It was £9.99, which I think isn't bad at all for a foundation, especially a new one! The packaging was a bit crap - plastic and boring....but of course it was what was inside that packaging that I was interested in.

I have to say, I do quite like it! It gives a flawless finish, and a good coverage. It is also quite light on the skin and blends in really well. The feel of the foundation was so nice, it feels like a mousse/cream, which is nice. And the colour is natural. If I had to give this foundation a mark out of 5, it would be a 4! It would of been nice to have a smell to it, as it didn't smell of anything! But apart from that I really do like it!

I can see this being my new fave foundation!

Chow for now, xx

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