Wednesday 12 September 2012

Review - John Frieda 3 Day Straight

Hello all!

I'm on a bit of a roll this week with doing my blog posts! As I said in my last post I do have quite a few products that I will be reviewing in the next few weeks or maybe even days!
But today I would like to review the John Frieda 3 Day Straight hair product! I had been dying to try this as my hair is naturally thick and wavy, and for some reason doesn't like to stay straight! I got two boxes for a deal in Superdrug (was something like the first one full price and the second £1.70, which was really good!), and I was at first skeptical because I thought maybe they were on offer because they were crap. But no, that was not the case at all!

I do think this product actually works really well, and my hair certainly put it to the test! Normally after I've straightened my hair in the morning and had the 20 minute walk to my bus stop, 10 minute bus journey, and 10 minute walk from the bus stop to my work place, my hair is usually curly and frizzy. But after using this product, I got to work and my hair was straight! HURRAHHHH!! It did have a little wave at the tips, but it so much better compared to what it's usually like, so I really feel like this is my new favourite must have product! It's around £5 - £6 normal price which isn't too expensive, but you do have to spray quite a lot on your hair to get it to work properly. And as you can see by the picture above, the bottle isn't exactly huge either! It would be good if there was some special oils or conditioning treatments in the product to help keep your hair healthy, but in future thats something they can maybe improve on. But I am glad this product works, and I would recommend it to anyone who like me, has trouble keeping their hair straight.

If  your using this product or have tried it, let me know what you think?

Bye for now x

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