Tuesday 15 January 2013

What's in this months Glossybox?

So, I returned from work today today to find a little gem waiting for me....only this months Glossybox!

I thought I would do a quick post on what I got, and maybe I will do a review of what I thought of the products at a later date.
So this months box is titled the 'Detox' box, with many products for your skin! I have to say, usually I'm not that bothered about skincare products, but recently I have been getting back into using them so I'm eager to try these little beauties! So what did I get??

 Firstly I got this sample size (30ml) of a body lotion by the brand 'Duck Island', which I think is a really funky name! This would usually be £24.95 for 500ml, so I wouldn't say its too expensive. Now I usually love body lotions, but I am a little put off this. It looks and smells like the bathroom cleaner ciff! Or Jiff (I'm not sure what it's called now but I'm sure you know what I mean!). I have yet to try it so I may be pleasantly surprised, but so far, first impression is not good!

Next I have a warming face mask by 'Monu'. My sample size is 30ml, and this product is usually £24.95 for 100ml. I'm very eager to try this because I do love face masks, and it doesn't smell too bad either. This seems like it could be a very promising product, as it claims to help increase vitamin and mineral absorption, as well as renewing cell health.

Now this is the only product that I've tried so far! And it seems good at the moment! This is called the 'Lip Bee Healthier' lip balm by Jason, and is usually £1.99. It contains Aloe and Beeswax, and is meant to soothe and protect your lips! It seemed to moisturise my lips which is what I especially want from a lip balm, but it did make my lips tingle a little bit which was bit weird! But I do like this product!

Next is an exfoliating face wash by 'Elemis' (30ml), and this is usually £12 for 100ml. I do love a good face wash, and this one seems like it could be good. It smells really nice and is ok-priced for the full size.I'm excited to try this because I love nothing more than my face feeling clean and refreshed, so i need a product that is going to do that.

Next is this face toner by 'Premae Skincare' (30ml), this is usually £27.50 for 50ml. With this being quite a pricey product I would expect it to be good!! I have been looking for a new toner so maybe this is the one for me!? It looks and smells good, so I have a feeling I will be getting good results from this!

Finally, Glossybox threw in a little extra freebie. This cute eye patch thing for sleepy nights or just relaxing. I wouldn't usually use one of these, but its too cute and i think i may have to try it out!

So that was everything in this months box. I will do a review on what I thought of the products at a later date. Did you get the same products in this months box? If so, what do you think of them?


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